LDS General Conference Quotes
President Thomas S. Monson
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints holds a semi annual General Conference at the beginning of April and October each year. In that conference the Latter Day Saints are instructed about their faith and doctrine. Mostly, they come together to hear the Prophet and Apostles speak and give direction about what the Lord would have them do in relation to the events of the day.
Below you will find some of the more famous and memorable quotes from some of the general conferences. Some of the are my favorite LDS general conference quotes as well. I hope that you will find some faith building and inspirational quotes and stories below that can brighten your day and inspire you to reach the potential that you were meant to reach. Perhaps one of my favorite General Conference addresses actually came during the Priesthood session. This talk below is very pertinent to our day. It was originally given in 1998, long before our current downturn in the economy that has caused unemployment rates to reach high's that have not been seen for some time.
1998 LDS Priesthood Session - President Gordon B. Hinckley