Back at the beginning of February I was at my wits end with life's challenges. I was tired of looking at the family budget and thinking that the world was going to fall apart and when any little thing hit I thought life was coming to come to an end (or wanted it to). Back in July / August 2008 I was laid off from my job and then my husband was laid off 10 days later. We went from a 2 income family with benefits to no income and no benefits. With 4 little boys that was alot of stress. No savings, lots of debt and an amazing amount of stress.
So, by February I needed some new answers in life. I went to church on Sunday and there was the answer. Our Stake President was speaking and he spoke in Sacrament Meeting about not looking too far ahead and counting our blessings for TODAY! He pointed out that some people don't have another day and all we can do is our best TODAY! He talked about when we look too far ahead we can feel a loss of control and doom and gloom. Amazing, that is exactly what was happening to me.
So, I decided to think positive thoughts about everything. I decided that even the negative things that do happen in life I was going to take the challenge to find something positive or count a blessing out of it. I also wanted to look for good things that other people did. Recognizing the good things that other people did took the focus off of me and my challenges.
Here it is. . .each day (or hopefully a few times each week) I will come on here and blog about the good things that I see each day and things I am grateful for:
Tuesday, April 14th: A son that is getting to be old enough and responsible enough to babysit for short amounts of time. It's amazing what you can get done in 30 minutes when you don't have children in toe.